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Common reasons for return of servo feeder

Mar. 14, 2020

NC servo feeder has attracted much attention since its appearance,Now it has become the preferred type of stamping enterprises.It has been selling well because of its high degree of automation, accurate feeding and low failure rate.Of course, there will encounter some large and small problems during the usage.Now, we will answer the common questions about returning material.

NC servo feeder, punch feeder

Why does the material go backward in the production of servo feeder? The main reason is the wrong adjustment of the release Angle of the feeder, which is usually caused by the operator's failure to operate correctly or the wrong setting.Too large relaxation Angle makes the gap between the roller materials too large, causing the material backward.There are two ways for servo feeder to relax, mechanical and pneumatic,Regardless of the type of relaxation, make sure it is properly adjusted according to the thickness of the material and the requirements of the equipment.

In addition, the servo feeder has been in use for a long time. Due to the long time running of the equipment, it failed to carry out customized maintenance and cleaning. Foreign objects and sundries mixed in the servo feeder equipment and machine, leading to the damage and wear of equipment parts, which is also one of the reasons for the common abnormal problems of our servo feeder. 

More common problems

1. Reason: incorrect relaxation time
Solution: adjust and loosen the rod, and begin to loosen when the mold guide wire is just inserted into the material guide hole.

2. Reason: brake skid
Solution: lock brakes or clean oil stains from brakes

3. Reason: insufficient pressure of material spring
Solution: lock spring or replace spring

4. Materials slip or are flattened and deformed
Reason: pressure spring over feed or too tight
Solution: adjust the pressure spring to the right pressure

5.Short delivery of materials with fixed stamping times
Reason: the gear part has the foreign matter
Solution: remove foreign matter stuck to the gear

6. Send materials out of alignment
Reason: pressure spring about elastic difference
Solution: the left and right pressure spring lock to the same


Above are the problems that enterprises often encounter in the use of the feeder, and the problems are relatively simple and easy to judge and solve. If you encounter problems that cannot be solved by yourself in the use of the feeder, you can call us at any time for consultation.