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Characteristics and Application range of two kinds of feeding Type of three-in-one feeder

Dec. 02, 2019

Three-in-one characteristics of lower feed

Automatic rewinding of the rack, photoelectric induction, adjustment of rack rotation speed through the frequency converter to correct part of the material supply. Load-bearing more than 5 T with disc brake, so that the rack unwinding stop more sensitive and stable. Generally suitable for the release of thin or vulnerable materials. You can choose whether or not to have a car according to your needs. For materials whose thickness exceeds 4.5mm, the unwinding tension of the material is very easy to unwind and it is difficult to feed into the material due to the reverse bending with the rewinding head after the opening of the material.

Characteristics and Application range of two kinds of feeding Type of three-in-one feeder

Up-feed three-in-one feature

Rack standard equipped with pneumatic clutch and disc brake. When the material enters the correction part, the material frame is converted to unwinding without power, and the disc brake produces damping to prevent the material from spreading. Rely on the straightening part of the servo motor produced by the pull drive rack. As the power is single, the rack can be fully synchronized with the corrective part. With the same specifications, the motor will be increased by one step in the design with the upper feed method. This feeding method is not recommended for thin or medium plate types. More suitable for the actual plate thickness 3.5mm above the plate machine and thick plate machine, and because of the material out of line, the use of loading and unwinding generally do not recommend customers to use loading trolley.

The opening tension of the material and the bending head of the material are used in the feeding process, so it is more convenient, safe and time-saving to deal with the feeding of the medium-thick plate than the down-feed. However, because of this reason, this kind of unwinding method has no use in dealing with the sheet with lower strength after the actual thickness of 2.5mm is less than the plate thickness.

Characteristics and Application range of two kinds of feeding Type of three-in-one feeder

In fact, each design has its own characteristics and limitations, and there is no decisive good or bad. Or according to the actual situation of the customer to choose. As long as the width of the thick plate is within the correction range, it can also be used under the feed, only to remind the other side to weigh the difficulty of feeding when the material width is opened. It's just as if 99% of the thick and thin rolls in the vertical and transverse shear lines will be opened passively.